New Yorker cartoonist Joe Dator and cinephile Megan Dooley discuss a weird episode of Roseanne, a creepy window at Tiffany’s, and spot hidden animals in the film.


Download the file here: Episode 11: LIVES OF THE PARTIES


Rosemary’s walk from the Time & Life building to Tiffany’s, as filmed by Joe Dator.


The Smithsonian archive of Gene Moore Tiffany windows is linked here.


A black and white photo of Gene Moore’s Tiffany window seen in Rosemary’s Baby. 

A zoomable version can be found here.

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A Gene Moore window that was probably right next to the one seen in Rosemary’s Baby.

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Another holiday window from the same set.

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A sample of a Gene Moore window for Tiffany’s.

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Yet another Gene Moore window for Tiffany’s.

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Gene Moore at work.

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The “Satan, Darling” episode of Roseanne, featuring Phil Leeds and Ernest Harada


Phil Leeds’s “Would You Believe It,” a possible influence on Mr. Sandler.


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Episode 10: BIRTH OF A BOOK

Episode 10: BIRTH OF A BOOK


Nick Levin, son of Ira Levin, discusses the conception and writing of the novel “Rosemary’s Baby,” including a surprising possible inspiration for Minnie, and some alien origins.


Download the file here: Episode 10: BIRTH OF A BOOK


Rosemary’s Baby Album


The cover of the first edition of “Rosemary’s Baby.”

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The lamp near Rosemary’s bed which, as discussed, almost seems to reflect the Alwyn, a famous building in New York City that was part of the inspiration for the Bramford.

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From my visit, a copy of the first edition of “Rosemary’s Baby” with a reader review, sent to Ira Levin.



From my visit, Ira Levin’s personal copy of “Dracula.” The Bramford is  named after Bram Stoker.



A bio from the Playbill from Levin’s 1962 play “General Seeger.” It mentions that he is working on a novel called “In a Dark Tower.” This was the working title for “Rosemary’s Baby” at its inception.



From Nick Levin’s collection. The novel “Secret Ceremony” was deemed “More haunting than Rosemary’s Baby.” The film version starred Mia Farrow and was released the same year as “Rosemary’s Baby,” in a rush to capitalize on the former’s success.



Promotional photos from a filmed version of the Ira Levin 1954 short story “The Underground Gourmet,” which featured the devil as a character. The story was shot for the General Electric Theater on CBS television, and starred Ronald Reagan, Sid Caesar, and Patricia Barry.







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